A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome to Solar Hell, a Bullet Hell space shooter where survival is the only option. As the last line of defense against an alien and robot invasion, your mission is clear, obliterate the enemy and save your solar system.  you are the last hope for humanity, piloting your spacecraft against aliens and robot ships. The stakes are high as you battle through increasingly difficult levels, each teeming with formidable foes and perilous obstacles.

  • Intensive Action:
    Fast paced gameplay that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
  • Varied Enemies:
    Encounter a wide range of enemy ships, each with distinct attack patterns and strategies
  • Power ups and Upgrades:
    Collect powerful upgrades to enhance your ship’s capabilities and turn the tide of battle.
  • Epic Boss Fights:
    Face off against colossal alien bosses in intense, multi-phase battles.


Gear up for an intergalactic battle like no other, and prepare to descend into the depths of the Solar Hell.

Disclaimer: this game was purely made for educational use!

Updated 5 days ago
Published 19 days ago
AuthorsSanForge Studio, LennonStolk, qwertyuiopleowo, Diurnalitee
GenreShooter, Educational
Made withMonoGame
Tags2D, Bullet Hell, Sci-fi, Space
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Stable Release Build - V0.1 53 MB

Development log